Crown Adjusting Affirmations for Kingdom Financial Success

Season #1

Welcome to this transformative episode with Dr. Chonta Haynes. In today's session, Dr. Haynes delivers powerful crown-adjusting affirmations that focus on building Kingdom financial success. Drawing wisdom from the book of Proverbs. In today's session, Dr. Haynes dives deep into the powerful connection between faith, finances, and personal growth. Drawing insights from her book Not Just Paper and her Kingdom Financial Success Course, Dr. Haynes explains how money is not merely a resource but a reflection of our work ethic, discipline, and love for God. Through a series of scripture-based affirmations, she encourages listeners to shift their mindset around wealth and financial abundance. Dr. Haynes shares practical steps to transform your financial situation while keeping faith at the center of your journey. Tune in to discover how aligning your finances with Kingdom principles can lead to true freedom and abundance.

Show Notes:

Episode Highlights:

[00:00] – Introduction

  • Dr. Chonta Haynes introduces the episode, diving into the importance of faith and finances and how money is more than just a resource—it’s a reflection of our relationship with God.
  • Brief overview of her book Not Just Paper and the Kingdom Financial Success Course.

[02:45] – Scripture Affirmation: Colossians 3:23

  • “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters.”
  • How this scripture ties into our attitude towards work, money, and life’s challenges.

[05:30] – The Blessing of Wealth: Proverbs 10:22

  • “The blessing of the Lord brings wealth, without painful toil for it.”
  • Dr. Haynes explains the concept of Kingdom wealth, which is not just financial but holistic.

[09:15] – Financial Success in God’s Kingdom

  • How financial success is about more than managing money. It's about aligning with Kingdom principles.
  • Practical actions that listeners can take to position themselves for financial success, including being faithful stewards of their resources.

[12:30] – Scripture Affirmation: Deuteronomy 8:18

  • “But remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you the ability to produce wealth.”
  • The importance of acknowledging God’s role in our financial journey and the power He gives us to create wealth.

[16:00] – Trusting God for Provision: Matthew 6:25-33

  • Encouraging listeners not to worry about their financial needs, as God provides.
  • Dr. Haynes shares a personal story of how trusting God’s provision has transformed her life.

[20:00] – Enjoying Life Abundantly: 1 Timothy 6:17

  • “Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God.”
  • Balancing financial success and humility, with a focus on living in abundance without being consumed by wealth.

[23:15] – Daily Financial Affirmations

  • Dr. Haynes walks listeners through a series of daily affirmations to reframe their mindset about money.
  • How speaking these affirmations builds faith-based habits around wealth.

[26:45] – Kingdom Financial Success Course

  • Dr. Haynes introduces her Kingdom Financial Success Course and how it can help listeners get their finances in order by applying Kingdom principles.
  • Key features of the course and how to enroll.

[29:30] – Prayer for Financial Freedom

  • Dr. Haynes ends the episode with a powerful prayer, asking for God’s wisdom, provision, and blessing over the listeners’ finances.
  • Prayer for debt elimination, financial favor, and alignment with God’s Kingdom in every area of life.

[32:00] – Closing Remarks

  • Final thoughts on aligning your financial habits with your faith journey.
  • Encouragement to take actionable steps towards financial freedom and live out God’s abundance.

[33:00] – Resources Mentioned

  • Not Just Paper by Dr. Chonta Haynes.
  • Kingdom Financial Success Course – Available at

[34:00] – Connect with Dr. Chonta Haynes

  • Website:
  • Social Media links to stay connected and continue the journey to faith-based financial success.


Connect with Dr. Chonta Haynes: